Let’s build Judo in your Province and South Africa.
Support your judo club at no extra cost.
Benefits to YOU and your immediate family
Fedhealth is a one-of-a-kind medical aid with many UNIQUE benefits
• FREE International Travel Insurance up to R5million (Under 65 years old)
• Cover for dangerous and hazardous sports
• Flexible day-to-day benefits to suit your needs – why pay for savings if you don’t need it?
• Big discounts on premiums for choosing Network hospitals only for planned admissions
• Unlimited network GP visits once claims have accumulated to threshold
• Upgrades any time within 30 days of diagnoses of a life changing event eg pregnancy, cancer
• Post-hospitalisation treatment for up to 30 days paid from risk not savings
• Trauma treatment at a casualty ward 
• Specialised radiology like MRI/CT Scans paid from Risk not savings
• Cover for female contraception
• Child rates up to 27 years old if still studying or fully financially dependant on you
What are you waiting for? Get on a REAL medical aid that you create, plus support your club and Judo

Supporting Judo Clubs

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