Easy Insure Changes

Ensure that the details reflected on Your Policy Schedule
are correct and to Your satisfaction

Insurance is rated on certain information.  If this information changes and is not reported to us, it can affect your cover and more importantly it can affect you in the event of a claim.  
Check the information we have on file for you and do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure of anything.

What are Your Insure Changes today?


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Why Must I Do Insure Changes?

Why you need to notify us of any Insure Changes?  For various reasons, including increased competition, insurance companies have moved to risk-based pricing models where each individual is priced according to his or her own risk. In other words, people are not treated equally; their premiums are based on the probability that they will submit a claim.

Assessing your risk is done according to the information the insurer obtains about you and your circumstances.  This is known as underwriting and it has become increasingly scientific.  The more accurately an insurer assesses your risk, the more economically it can insure you and fairer the system is on lower-risk policyholders, typically the majority.

However, the insurer must reach a balance. The more strict it is in its underwriting requirements, the more likely it is that prospective clients will be turned away. The more lenient it is, the greater the chance of out-pricing the competition but gaining undesirable business.

So how do insurers obtain information about you?  The obvious way is by asking you directly, in the form of a questionnaire that accompanies your application.  But they have other sources of information, including their own statistics and data shared by the industry, as well as your credit report, which they get from one of the credit bureaus.

If your insurer covers you on the wrong information, it is within their rights to repudiate a claim or not pay in full.  If you are truthful upfront and happen to fall into a high-risk category, the insurer can either decline you cover (which is unusual), or load your premium and/or include certain conditions to your policy.  

The advantage?  Your insurer is unlikely to repudiate a claim as a result of non-disclosure or incorrect information.

UNDERWRITING: Information that's Required Upfront

When you approach an insurer for a quote, you will be required to provide the following:

* Your insurance history and previous claims. This is vital information, which can be verified using industry data.  It is the frequency of claims, rather than the total amount paid out for claims that raises a red flag for the insurance company.

* Credit record. The insurer will obtain your credit record from a credit bureau with your consent. Based on actuarial models that insurers use, the better your record, the lower your insurance risk.

* The region you live in is vital.  Price-rating structures are based on regions and different underwriting rules apply. For example, if you live in Johannesburg, you fall into a higher risk (pay a higher premium) than if you live in a small country town such as Sutherland in the Karoo.  Crime is also not the only factor that is region-specific, it may be more prone to floods or lightning.
Insure Changes: Vehicle Policies
  • Business or private use?  If you use your car for business you are obviously driving more and will pay a higher premium because of the higher risk.
  • Security features in your Vehicle.  If you have a tracking system you are a lower risk and will get discount on your premium.
  • Where the car is parked at night.  It is safer (and a lower risk to the insurer) if it is behind locked gates or in a locked garage.
  • Age/experience of regular driver. The less experienced you are as a driver, the higher your risk.
  • Specified regular driver.  Rating for vehicle policies is now done on the regular-driver basis.
  • Make and model. Some makes and models are targeted by thieves more than others, and insurers access these statistics. This is not the main reason it is required. The power-to-weight ratio of a car, the cost and availability of its parts, and built-in security features are also factors when assessing risk.
  • Modifications. You must disclose any changes made to your vehicle that are not classed as factory standard and made after it was produced. This could include engine modifications, alloy wheels, spoiler or sunroof.
  • Gender. Some insurers differentiate according to whether the regular driver is male or female, with women generally considered lower risk than men.
  Insure Changes: Home Contents and Buildings Policies
  • Security arrangements. An alarm connected to a security company will lower your risk, and burglar bars and safety gates are a standard requirement for cover. Other security features, such as garden infra-red beams and electric fencing, will also lower your risk.
  • Use of home.  Private use only or do you run a business from home?
  • Structure of home.  This information is needed for both home contents and buildings insurance policies. Brick and wooden structures are rated differently, while a thatched roof will have a higher premium and additional conditions.
  • Whether the home is unoccupied for long periods.  A holiday home that is unoccupied for much of the year for example, will attract higher premiums.
  • Whether the house is on a slope. Basic buildings cover provides you with very limited subsidence and landslip. If your house is on a slope you will need comprehensive subsidence and landslip cover in which case we need to know the age of the building and sometimes an engineer’s report.
Should any of the above information change - please do notify us to do Insure Changes immediately for you.
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